Arduino ile matrix kullanarak yılan oyunu yapımı

     İyi  günler bugün size arduino ile çocuklugumuzun oyunu ve bize nokia telefonlar ile hayatımızda ayrı bir yeri olan yılan oyunu matrix segment ve joyistik ile  nasıl yapıldığını anlatacağım.Arduino aslında hayatımıza girince belli başlı sorunları ortadan kaldırdı.Eskiden PIC leri  programlamak aşırı sorun oluyordu belkide ögrenci hayatında yeteri kadar maddi destek olmaması bize program öğrenmeyi geciktirdi.Amacım hep bir şeyler paylaşarak öğrenmeyi sağlamak.Lafı fazla uzatmadan kullanacağımız malzemeleri sayalım.


1-Arduino Uno
2-Yeteri kadar atlama kablosu
3-8x8 matriks 
6-Potansiyometre 10K

                                           Devremizi bilgisayarda bord üzerine kuralım

arduino yılan oyunu
İlk matrix bağlantılarını yapalım;
  • Vcc ucu arduino vin ucuna.
  • Gnd ucu arduino gnd ucuna.
  • Clk ucu arduino dijital 10 ucuna.
  • Cs ucu arduino gijital 11 ucuna.
  • Din ucu ise arduino dijital 12 ucuna bağlanır.
İkinci olarak joyistik bağlantı uçlarını yapalım;
  • VrX ucunu arduino analog 2 pinine bağlayın.
  • VrY ucunu arduino analog 3 pinine bağlayın.
  • SW ucu boş kalacak 
  • Gnd ucu arduino gnd ucuna bağlayın.
  • VCC ucunu arduino aref ucuna bağlayınız.
Üçüncü olarak potansiyometre bağlantılarını yapalım;
  • ilk ucu  ardunio 3v3 ucuna bağlayın.
  • ikinci ucu ardunio analog 1 pinine bağlayınız.
  • üçüncü ucu ise arduino gnd ucuna bağlayınız.

Bütün bağlantı uçlarını yaptıktan sonra sıra geldi arduino programın yüklenmesine; 

#include "LedControl.h" // LedControl library is used for controlling a LED matrix. Find it using Library Manager or download zip here:

// --------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------- KODUMUZ ------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------- //

// there are defined all the pins
struct Pin {
static const short joystickX = A2;   // joystick X axis pin
static const short joystickY = A3;   // joystick Y axis pin
// static const short joystickKEY = 18; // (not used) joystick KEY pin (Analog 4) (Z axis button)
static const short joystickVCC = 15; // virtual VCC for the joystick (Analog 1) (to make the joystick connectable right next to the arduino nano)
static const short joystickGND = 14; // virtual GND for the joystick (Analog 0) (to make the joystick connectable right next to the arduino nano)

static const short potentiometer = A1; // potentiometer for snake speed control

static const short CLK = 10;   // clock for LED matrix
static const short CS  = 11;  // chip-select for LED matrix
static const short DIN = 12; // data-in for LED matrix

// LED matrix brightness: between 0(darkest) and 15(brightest)
const short intensity = 8;

// lower = faster message scrolling
const short messageSpeed = 5;

// initial snake length (1...63, recommended 3)
const short initialSnakeLength = 3;

void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200);  // set the same baud rate on your Serial Monitor
initialize();         // initialize pins & LED matrix
calibrateJoystick(); // calibrate the joystick home (do not touch it)
showSnakeMessage(); // scrolls the 'snake' message around the matrix

void loop() {
generateFood();    // if there is no food, generate one
scanJoystick();    // watches joystick movements & blinks with food
calculateSnake();  // calculates snake parameters

// uncomment this if you want the current game board to be printed to the serial (slows down the game a bit)
// dumpGameBoard();

// --------------------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------- supporting variables --------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------- //

LedControl matrix(Pin::DIN, Pin::CLK, Pin::CS, 1);

struct Point {
int row = 0, col = 0;
Point(int row = 0, int col = 0): row(row), col(col) {}

struct Coordinate {
int x = 0, y = 0;
Coordinate(int x = 0, int y = 0): x(x), y(y) {}

bool win = false;
bool gameOver = false;

// primary snake head coordinates (snake head), it will be randomly generated
Point snake;

// food is not anywhere yet
Point food(-1, -1);

// construct with default values in case the user turns off the calibration
Coordinate joystickHome(500, 500);

// snake parameters
int snakeLength = initialSnakeLength; // choosed by the user in the config section
int snakeSpeed = 1; // will be set according to potentiometer value, cannot be 0
int snakeDirection = 0; // if it is 0, the snake does not move

// direction constants
const short up     = 1;
const short right  = 2;
const short down   = 3; // 'down - 2' must be 'up'
const short left   = 4; // 'left - 2' must be 'right'

// threshold where movement of the joystick will be accepted
const int joystickThreshold = 160;

// artificial logarithmity (steepness) of the potentiometer (-1 = linear, 1 = natural, bigger = steeper (recommended 0...1))
const float logarithmity = 0.4;

// the age array: holds an 'age' of the every pixel in the matrix. If age > 0, it glows.
// on every frame, the age of all lit pixels is incremented.
// when the age of some pixel exceeds the length of the snake, it goes out.
// age 1 is added in the current snake direction next to the last position of the snake head.
int age[8][8] = {};

// --------------------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------- functions -------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------- //

// if there is no food, generate one, also check for victory
void generateFood() {
if (food.row == -1 || food.col == -1) {
// self-explanatory
if (snakeLength >= 64) {
win = true;
return; // prevent the food generator from running, in this case it would run forever, because it will not be able to find a pixel without a snake

// generate food until it is in the right position
do {
food.col = random(8);
food.row = random(8);
} while (age[food.row][food.col] > 0);

// custom inverse logarithm with variable steepness (logarithmity), see (input = 0...1)
float lnx(float n) {
if(n < 0) return 0;
if(n > 1) return 1;
n = -log(-n * logarithmity + 1); // natural logarithm
if (isinf(n)) n = lnx(0.999999); // prevent returning 'inf'
return n;

// watches joystick movements & blinks with food
void scanJoystick() {
int previousDirection = snakeDirection; // save the last direction
long timestamp = millis() + snakeSpeed; // when the next frame will be rendered

while (millis() < timestamp) {
// calculate snake speed logarithmically (10...1000ms)
float raw = mapf(analogRead(Pin::potentiometer), 0, 1023, 0, 1);
snakeSpeed = mapf(lnx(raw), lnx(0), lnx(1), 10, 1000);
if (snakeSpeed == 0) snakeSpeed = 1; // safety: speed can not be 0

// determine the direction of the snake
analogRead(Pin::joystickY) < joystickHome.y - joystickThreshold ? snakeDirection = up    : 0;
analogRead(Pin::joystickY) > joystickHome.y + joystickThreshold ? snakeDirection = down  : 0;
analogRead(Pin::joystickX) < joystickHome.x - joystickThreshold ? snakeDirection = left  : 0;
analogRead(Pin::joystickX) > joystickHome.x + joystickThreshold ? snakeDirection = right : 0;

// ignore directional change by 180 degrees (no effect for non-moving snake)
snakeDirection + 2 == previousDirection && previousDirection != 0 ? snakeDirection = previousDirection : 0;
snakeDirection - 2 == previousDirection && previousDirection != 0 ? snakeDirection = previousDirection : 0;

// intelligently blink with the food
matrix.setLed(0, food.row, food.col, millis() % 100 < 50 ? 1 : 0);

// calculate snake movement data
void calculateSnake() {
switch (snakeDirection) {
case up:
matrix.setLed(0, snake.row, snake.col, 1);

case right:
matrix.setLed(0, snake.row, snake.col, 1);

case down:
matrix.setLed(0, snake.row, snake.col, 1);

case left:
matrix.setLed(0, snake.row, snake.col, 1);

default: // if the snake is not moving, exit

// if there is any age (snake body), this will cause the end of the game (snake must be moving)
if (age[snake.row][snake.col] != 0 && snakeDirection != 0) {
gameOver = true;

// check if the food was eaten
if (snake.row == food.row && snake.col == food.col) {
food.row = -1; // reset food
food.col = -1;

// increment ages if all lit leds

// change the age of the snake head from 0 to 1

// causes the snake to appear on the other side of the screen if it gets out of the edge
void fixEdge() {
snake.col < 0 ? snake.col += 8 : 0;
snake.col > 7 ? snake.col -= 8 : 0;
snake.row < 0 ? snake.row += 8 : 0;
snake.row > 7 ? snake.row -= 8 : 0;

// increment ages if all lit leds, turn off too old ones depending on the length of the snake
void updateAges() {
for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++) {
// if the led is lit, increment it's age
if (age[row][col] > 0 ) {

// if the age exceeds the length of the snake, switch it off
if (age[row][col] > snakeLength) {
matrix.setLed(0, row, col, 0);
age[row][col] = 0;

void handleGameStates() {
if (gameOver || win) {


if (gameOver) showGameOverMessage();
else if (win) showWinMessage();

// re-init the game
win = false;
gameOver = false;
snake.row = random(8);
snake.col = random(8);
food.row = -1;
food.col = -1;
snakeLength = initialSnakeLength;
snakeDirection = 0;
memset(age, 0, sizeof(age[0][0]) * 8 * 8);

void unrollSnake() {
// switch off the food LED
matrix.setLed(0, food.row, food.col, 0);

for (int i = 1; i <= snakeLength; i++) {
for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++) {
if (age[row][col] == i) {
matrix.setLed(0, row, col, 0);

// calibrate the joystick home for 10 times
void calibrateJoystick() {
Coordinate values;

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
values.x += analogRead(Pin::joystickX);
values.y += analogRead(Pin::joystickY);

joystickHome.x = values.x / 10;
joystickHome.y = values.y / 10;

void initialize() {
pinMode(Pin::joystickVCC, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(Pin::joystickVCC, HIGH);

pinMode(Pin::joystickGND, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(Pin::joystickGND, LOW);

// pinMode(Pin::joystickKEY, INPUT_PULLUP);

matrix.shutdown(0, false);
matrix.setIntensity(0, intensity);

snake.row = random(8);
snake.col = random(8);

void dumpGameBoard() {
String buff = "\n\n\n";
for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++) {
if (age[row][col] < 10) buff += " ";
if (age[row][col] != 0) buff += age[row][col];
else if (col == food.col && row == food.row) buff += "@";
else buff += "-";
buff += " ";
buff += "\n";

// --------------------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------- messages --------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------- //

const PROGMEM bool snejkMessage[8][56] = {

const PROGMEM bool gameOverMessage[8][90] = {

const PROGMEM bool scoreMessage[8][58] = {

const PROGMEM bool digits[][8][8] = {

// scrolls the 'snake' message around the matrix
void showSnakeMessage() {
for (int d = 0; d < sizeof(snejkMessage[0]) - 7; d++) {
for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++) {
for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++) {
// this reads the byte from the PROGMEM and displays it on the screen
matrix.setLed(0, row, col, pgm_read_byte(&(snejkMessage[row][col + d])));

// scrolls the 'game over' message around the matrix
void showGameOverMessage() {
for (int d = 0; d < sizeof(gameOverMessage[0]) - 7; d++) {
for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++) {
for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++) {
// this reads the byte from the PROGMEM and displays it on the screen
matrix.setLed(0, row, col, pgm_read_byte(&(gameOverMessage[row][col + d])));

// scrolls the 'win' message around the matrix
void showWinMessage() {
// not implemented yet // TODO: implement it

// scrolls the 'score' message with numbers around the matrix
void showScoreMessage(int score) {
if (score < 0 || score > 99) return;

// specify score digits
int second = score % 10;
int first = (score / 10) % 10;

for (int d = 0; d < sizeof(scoreMessage[0]) + 2 * sizeof(digits[0][0]); d++) {
for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++) {
for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++) {
if (d <= sizeof(scoreMessage[0]) - 8) {
matrix.setLed(0, row, col, pgm_read_byte(&(scoreMessage[row][col + d])));

int c = col + d - sizeof(scoreMessage[0]) + 6; // move 6 px in front of the previous message

// if the score is < 10, shift out the first digit (zero)
if (score < 10) c += 8;

if (c >= 0 && c < 8) {
if (first > 0) matrix.setLed(0, row, col, pgm_read_byte(&(digits[first][row][c]))); // show only if score is >= 10 (see above)
} else {
c -= 8;
if (c >= 0 && c < 8) {
matrix.setLed(0, row, col, pgm_read_byte(&(digits[second][row][c]))); // show always

// standard map function, but with floats
float mapf(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max) {
return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;

2 yorum:

  1. Abi çok güzel yapmışsın helal

  2. Devreyi doğru krdum ve kodu yükledim ama potansiyometreyi çevirdiğimde yılanın hızı yavaşlamıyor


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